I'm Too Sexy for My Cheese,
Too Sexy for My Cheese:
More Wensleydale, Please
So This Scientist Walks Into a Teleportation Device...

Mooseburger on the Hoof, with a Shake
(and a Shimmy)

Since her introduction as the prospective Republican candidate for Vice President, we have been told that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is a woman who enjoys a good mooseburger.  This fool's fondness for all things mooseful is well known.  I have an entire category devoted to those noble if befuddled creatures.  The prospect of hunting and eating them is less appealing than the splendid idea of mooseness.  Mooseburgers do sound more tempting, however, than Jellied Moose Nose, a recipe for which (perhaps even the very recipe to be found at that link) I encountered several long decades ago in a Canadian Government bookstore in Ottawa.

I do not know if Gov. Palin's speech to the Convention this evening will include any reference to the Majestic Moose, but those who are craving amoosement tonight need look no further than the season premiere of America's Next Top Model, which features host/judge Tyra Banks' jazz-handed impression of a rampaging Alaskan moose:

[Moose modeling link via reality blurred.]


Cowtown Pattie

Moose and Squirrel

Great name for McCain and That Woman.

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