Meet the Beagles
September 24, 2010
I am flying today to Orlando, Florida, for a weekend of risk-and-insurance jollity with my fellow CPCUs. If you should find yourself loitering about the Marriott World Center hotel on Sunday morning, you might try sneaking in to the annual Mock Trial, in which I will be fighting the good fight on behalf of my fictional client in a spirited Appellate Cage Match of vasty deepness.
The sign above was photographed in the Orlando International Airport in 2008. I do not know if it is still there. Much is communicated by this sign, though but little is revealed.
It is comforting to know that Security Theater, like the vaudeville of old, still has a place for a good dog act.
The promise that I might be permitted to help sniff luggage is intriguing.
The promise that I will be fined for smuggling if I declare my food, plant, and animal products is dismaying.
The question of whether the beagles, as animals, must declare their own products is unanswered, as is how best to declare them in polite company.
That said, a little traveling music:
The Handsome Family - All the Time in Airports
Photo by Mark Kobayashi-Hillary, via Wikimedia Commons, under Creative Commons license.